Occurs when the object is loading a zip archive.
[Visual Basic] Public Event OnLoading As OnLoadingEventHandler Public Delegate Sub OnLoadingEventHandler( _ ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal z As ZipFile, _ ByVal loaded As Long, _ ByVal total As Long, _ ByRef cancel As Boolean _ )
[C#] public event OnLoadingEventHandler OnLoading; public delegate void OnLoadingEventHandler( object sender, ZipFile z, long loaded, long total, ref bool cancel );
[C++] public: __event OnLoadingEventHandler* OnLoading; public __gc __delegate void OnLoadingEventHandler( Object* sender, ZipFile* z, __int64 loaded, __int64 total, bool __gc *cancel );
Event Data
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] To get the full samples of EACompression, please refer to Samples section.
[Visual Basic] Imports EACompression Imports System.IO Module Module1 Sub Main() Try Dim oZip As New ZipArchive("TryIt") AddHandler oZip.OnLoading, AddressOf OnLoading oZip.Load("c:\test.zip") Dim password As String = "" oZip.ExtractAll( "c:\unzipped", password ) Catch ep As Exception Console.Write(ep.Message) End Try End Sub Sub OnLoading( _ ByVal sender As Object, _ ByVal z As ZipFile, _ ByVal loaded As Long, _ ByVal total As Long, _ ByRef cancel As Boolean _ ) Console.WriteLine("{0}", z.FullName) End Sub End Module [C#] using System; using EACompression; using System.IO; namespace test { class Class1 { public static void OnLoading( object sender, ZipFile z, long loaded, long total, ref bool cancel ) { Console.WriteLine( "{0}", z.FullName ); } [STAThread] static void Main(string[] args) { try { ZipArchive oZip = new ZipArchive( "TryIt" ); oZip.OnLoading += new ZipArchive.OnLoadingEventHandler( OnLoading ); oZip.Load( "c:\\test.zip" ); string password = ""; oZip.ExtractAll( "c:\\unzipped", password ); } catch( Exception ep ) { Console.Write( ep.Message ); } } } } [C++] using namespace System; using namespace System::IO; using namespace EACompression; public __gc class ZipArchiveEventHandler { public: static void OnLoading( Object* sender, ZipFile* z, __int64 loaded, __int64 total, bool __gc *cancel ) { Console::WriteLine( S"{0}", z->FullName ); } }; int _tmain() { try { ZipArchive *oZip = new ZipArchive( S"TryIt" ); oZip->OnLoading += new ZipArchive::OnLoadingEventHandler( NULL, &ZipArchiveEventHandler::OnLoading ); oZip->Load( S"c:\\test.zip" ); String *password = S""; oZip->ExtractAll( S"c:\\uuzipped", password ); } catch( Exception *ep ) { Console::Write( ep->Message ); } return 0; }