Mail.VerifyMessageSignature Method

Verifies the digital signature of the email.

[Visual Basic]
Public Function VerifyMessageSignature( _
) As X509Certificate2
public X509Certificate2 VerifyMessageSignature(
public: X509Certificate2^ VerifyMessageSignature(
public function VerifyMessageSignature( 
) : X509Certificate2;

Return Value

The X509Certificate2 (public key only) of the email sender.


[Visual Basic, C#, C++] The following example demonstrates how to verify signed email and decrypt encrypted email with EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 Component. To get the full samples of EAGetMail, please refer to Samples section.

[VB - Verify and Decrypt Email]
Dim mail As Mail = New Mail("TryIt")
mail.Load("c:\test.eml", False)

If mail.IsEncrypted Then
            ' this email is encrypted, we decrypt it by user default certificate.
            ' you can also use specified certificate like this
            ' Dim decryptCert As New X509Certificate2("D:\mycert\test.pfx",
            '    "nosecret",
            '    X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable Or X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet)
            ' mail.DecryptMessage(decryptCert)
    Catch ep As Exception
    End Try
End If

If mail.IsSigned Then
        Dim signerCert As X509Certificate2 = mail.VerifyMessageSignature()
        MessageBox.Show("This email contains a valid digital signature.")

        ' You can add the certificate to your certificate storage like this
        ' Dim store As New X509Store("My", StoreLocation.CurrentUser)
        ' store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite)
        ' store.Add(signerCert)
        ' store.Close()
        ' then you can use send the encrypted email back to this sender.

    Catch ep As Exception
    End Try
End If

[C# - Verify and Decrypt Email] Mail mail = new Mail("TryIt"); mail.Load("c:\\test.eml", false); if (mail.IsEncrypted) { try { // this email is encrypted, we decrypt it by user default certificate. // you can also use specified certificate like this /* X509Certificate2 decryptCert = new X509Certificate2("D:\\mycert\\test.pfx", "nosecret", X509KeyStorageFlags.Exportable | X509KeyStorageFlags.UserKeySet); mail.DecryptMessage(decryptCert); */ mail.DecryptMessage(null); } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } } if (mail.IsSigned) { try { // This email is digital signed. X509Certificate2 signerCert = mail.VerifyMessageSignature(); MessageBox.Show("This email contains a valid digital signature."); // You can add the certificate to your certificate storage like this /* X509Store store = new X509Store("My", StoreLocation.CurrentUser); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); store.Add(signerCert); store.Close(); */ // then you can use send the encrypted email back to this sender. } catch (Exception ep) { MessageBox.Show(ep.Message); } }


To learn more about email digital signature and encryption, please refer to Digital Signature and E-mail Encryption/Decryption section.

See Also

Mail.IsEncrypted Property
Mail.IsSigned Property
Mail.Decrypt Method

Online Tutorials

Verify Digital Signature and Decrypt Email in C# - Tutorial
Verify Digital Signature and Decrypt Email in VB.NET - Tutorial
Verify Digital Signature and Decrypt Email in C++/CLI - Tutorial