MailClient.GetCategories Method

Receives a specified email's categories from Office 365 or Exchange Server.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Public Function GetCategories( _
    info As MailInfo
) As CategoryCollection
[Visual C++]
public: HRESULT GetCategories(
    IMailInfo* info,
    ICategoryCollection* pVal


The MailInfo instance to retrieve categories.

Return Value

A CategoryCollection object presenting the email header.


This method retrieves email's categories, it only supports EWS and Graph API protocol. If you have set GetMailInfos_GetCategories, you can get the categories from MailInfo.Categories property directly after calling GetMailInfos method.


[VB 6.0]
const GetMailInfos_All = 1
const GetMailInfos_NewOnly = 2
const GetMailInfos_ReadOnly = 4
const GetMailInfos_SeqRange = 8
const GetMailInfos_UIDRange = 16
const GetMailInfos_PR_ENTRYID = 32
const GetMailInfos_DateRange = 64
const GetMailInfos_OrderByDateTime = 128
const GetMailInfos_GetCategories = 256
const GetMailInfos_ImapDeleted = 512
const GetMailInfos_ImapUndeleted = 1024
const GetMailInfos_GetFollowUpFlag = 2048
const GetMailInfos_IncludeAllFolders = 4096

' you must use EWS or Graph API to connect the server
client.Connect server

' retrieve categories and follow up flag to MailInfo
Dim options
options = options Or GetMailInfos_GetCategories
options = options Or GetMailInfos_GetFollowUpFlag

client.GetMailInfosParam.GetMailInfosOptions = options

Dim mailInfos
Set mailInfos = client.GetMailInfoList()

Debug.Print "Total " & mailInfos.Length & " email(s)"

Dim i
For i = 0 To mailInfos.Length - 1
    Dim mailInfo
    Set mailInfo = mailInfos.Item(i)

    ' if you have set GetMailInfos_GetCategories flag, you don't need to call this method.
    client.GetCategories mailInfo

    Debug.Print "Index: " & i & ", UIDL: " & mailInfo.UIDL
    Debug.Print "Category: " & CategoryToString(mailInfo.Categories)

Function CreateCategories(categoryStr)
    Dim categories As New EAGetMailObjLib.CategoryCollection

    Dim strs
    strs = Split(categoryStr, ";")
    Dim i
    For i = LBound(strs) To UBound(strs)

        Dim category
        Set category = CreateObject("EAGetMailObj.Category")
        category.Name = Trim(strs(i))

        If category.Name <> "" Then
            categories.Add category
        End If


    Set CreateCategories = categories
End Function

Function CategoryToString(categories)

    Dim i, str
    For i = 0 To categories.Length - 1
        Dim category 
        Set category = categories.Item(i)
        str = str & category.Name & "; "

    CategoryToString = str
End Function

See Also

MailClient.GetMail Method
Mail Object