MailReport Object

Provides properties and methods for presenting an e-mail delivery report or receipt.


[Visual Basic 6.0]
Public Class MailReport
[Visual C++]
public: interface IMailReport

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

Public Properties

ErrCode Gets the error code of the failure delivery report.
ErrDescription Gets the error description of the failure delivery report.
OriginalHeaders Gets the original email's headers in the delivery report or receipt.
OriginalMessageID Gets the original email's MessageID in the delivery report or receipt.
OriginalRecipient Gets the original recipient address in the delivery report or receipt.
OriginalSender Gets the original sender address in the delivery report or receipt.
OriginalSubject Gets the original email subject in the delivery report or receipt.
ReportMTA Gets the server which reported the report or receipt.
ReportType Gets delivery type.

Read Receipt

Some e-mail applications, such as Microsoft Office Outlook, employ a read-receipt tracking mechanism. The sender selects the receipt request option prior to sending the message, and then upon sending, each recipient has the option of notifying the sender that the message was read by the recipient.
However, requesting a receipt does not guarantee that you will get one, for several reasons. Very few e-mail applications or services support read receipts, and users can generally disable the functionality if they so wish. Those that do support it aren't necessarily compatible with or capable of recognizing requests from a different e-mail service or application.

Delivery Receipt and FailureReport

It is also called a DSN (delivery service notification), which is a request to the recipients email server to send you a notification about the delivery of an email you've just sent. The notification takes the form of an email, and will tell you if your delivery succeeded(Delivery Receipt), failed, got delayed(Failure Report).


If ReporType is DeliveryReceipt or ReadReceipt, the report probably has only OriginalSender, OriginalRecipient and OriginalMessageID information in the report, it depends the mail server that generated the report.


[Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++, Delphi] The following example demonstrates how to parse the delivery report with EAGetMail POP3 & IMAP4 ActiveX Object. To get the full samples of EAGetMail, please refer to Samples section.

[Visual Basic 6.0]
Private Sub ParseReport(ByVal emlFile As String)

    Const FailureReport = 0
    Const DeliveryReceipt = 1
    Const ReadReceipt = 2
    Const Receipt_Deleted = 3
    Const DelayedReport = 4

    Dim oMail As New EAGetMailObjLib.Mail
    oMail.LicenseCode = "TryIt"
    oMail.LoadFile emlFile, False

    If Not oMail.IsReport Then
        MsgBox "this is not a report"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Dim oReport As EAGetMailObjLib.MailReport
    Set oReport = oMail.GetReport()
    // Get report type
    Select Case oReport.ReportType
    Case DeliveryReceipt
        MsgBox "This is a deliver receipt"
    Case ReadReceipt
        MsgBox "This is a read receipt"
    Case Receipt_Deleted
        MsgBox "This is a unread receipt, this email was deleted without read!"
    Case DelayedReport
        MsgBox "This is a delayed report, this email will be tried later by server automatically!"
    Case Else
        MsgBox "This is a failure report"
    End Select

    // Get original message information
    MsgBox oReport.OriginalSender
    MsgBox oReport.OriginalRecipient
    MsgBox oReport.OriginalMessageID

    If oReport.ReportType = FailureReport Or oReport.ReportType = DelayedReport Then
        MsgBox oReport.ErrCode
        MsgBox oReport.ErrDescription
        MsgBox oReport.OriginalSubject
        MsgBox oReport.ReportMTA

        Dim oHeaders As EAGetMailObjLib.HeaderCollection
        Set oHeaders = oReport.OriginalHeaders
        Dim i, nCount As Integer
        nCount = oHeaders.Count
        For i = 0 To nCount - 1
            Dim oHeader As EAGetMailObjLib.HeaderItem
            Set oHeader = oHeaders.Item(i)
            MsgBox oHeader.HeaderKey & ": " & oHeader.HeaderValue
    End If

End Sub

[VBScript] Sub ParseReport(emlFile) Const FailureReport = 0 Const DeliveryReceipt = 1 Const ReadReceipt = 2 Const Receipt_Deleted = 3 Const DelayedReport = 4 Dim oMail Set oMail = CreateObject("EAGetMailObj.Mail") oMail.LicenseCode = "TryIt" oMail.LoadFile emlFile, False If Not oMail.IsReport Then MsgBox "this is not a report" Exit Sub End If Dim oReport Set oReport = oMail.GetReport() //get report type Select Case oReport.ReportType Case DeliveryReceipt MsgBox "This is a deliver receipt" Case ReadReceipt MsgBox "This is a read receipt" Case Receipt_Deleted MsgBox "This is a unread receipt, this email was deleted without read!" Case DelayedReport MsgBox "This is a delayed report, this email will be tried later by server automatically!" Case Else MsgBox "This is a failure report" End Select //get original message information MsgBox oReport.OriginalSender MsgBox oReport.OriginalRecipient MsgBox oReport.OriginalMessageID If oReport.ReportType = FailureReport Or oReport.ReportType = DelayedReport Then MsgBox oReport.ErrCode MsgBox oReport.ErrDescription MsgBox oReport.OriginalSubject MsgBox oReport.ReportMTA Dim oHeaders Set oHeaders = oReport.OriginalHeaders Dim i, nCount As Integer nCount = oHeaders.Count For i = 0 To nCount - 1 Dim oHeader Set oHeader = oHeaders.Item(i) MsgBox oHeader.HeaderKey & ": " & oHeader.HeaderValue Next End If End Sub
[Visual C++] #include "stdafx.h" #include <windows.h> #include "eagetmailobj.tlh" using namespace EAGetMailObjLib; void ParseReport(LPCTSTR lpszEmlFile) { const int FailureReport = 0; const int DeliveryReceipt = 1; const int ReadReceipt = 2; const int Receipt_Deleted = 3; const int DelayedReport = 4; IMailPtr oMail; oMail.CreateInstance(__uuidof(EAGetMailObjLib::Mail)); oMail->LicenseCode = _T("TryIt"); oMail->LoadFile(lpszEmlFile, VARIANT_FALSE); if(oMail->IsReport == VARIANT_FALSE) { _tprintf(_T("This is not a report")); return; } // get report type IMailReportPtr oReport = oMail->GetReport(); switch(oReport->ReportType) { case DeliveryReceipt: _tprintf(_T("This is a delivery receipt\r\n")); break; case ReadReceipt: _tprintf(_T("This is a read receipt\r\n")); break; case Receipt_Deleted: _tprintf(_T("This is a unread receipt, this email was deleted without read!\r\n")); break; case DelayedReport: _tprintf(_T("This is a delayed report, this email will be tried later by server automatically!\r\n")); break; default: _tprintf(_T("This is a failure delivery report\r\n")); break; } // get original message information _tprintf(_T("OriginalSender: %s\r\n"), (TCHAR*)oReport->OriginalSender); _tprintf(_T("OriginalRecipient: %s\r\n"), (TCHAR*)oReport->OriginalRecipient); _tprintf(_T("OriginalMessageID: %s\r\n"),(TCHAR*)oReport->OriginalMessageID); if(oReport->ReportType == FailureReport || oReport->ReportType == DelayedReport) { _tprintf(_T("ErrCode: %s\r\n"), (const TCHAR*)oReport->ErrCode); _tprintf(_T("ErrDescription: %s\r\n"), (const TCHAR*)oReport->ErrDescription); _tprintf(_T("OriginalSubject: %s\r\n"), (const TCHAR*)oReport->OriginalSubject); _tprintf(_T("ReportMTA: %s\r\n"), (const TCHAR*)oReport->ReportMTA); IHeaderCollectionPtr oHeaders; oHeaders = oReport->OriginalHeaders; int count = oHeaders->Count; for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) { IHeaderItemPtr oHeader; oHeader = oHeaders->Item(i); ::_tprintf(_T("%s: %s\r\n"), (TCHAR*)oHeader->HeaderKey, (TCHAR*)oHeader->HeaderValue); } } }
[Delphi] const // Report Type FailureReport = 0; DeliveryReceipt = 1; ReadReceipt = 2; Receipt_Deleted = 3; DelayedReport = 4; procedure ParseReport(fileName: WideString); var oMail: TMail; oReport: IMailReport; oHeaders: IHeaderCollection; i: Integer; begin oMail := TMail.Create(Application); oMail.LicenseCode := 'TryIt'; oMail.LoadFile(fileName, false); if not oMail.IsReport then begin ShowMessage('This is not a report!'); exit; end; oReport := oMail.GetReport(); if oReport.ReportType = DeliveryReceipt then ShowMessage('This is a deliver receipt!') else if oReport.ReportType = ReadReceipt Then ShowMessage('This is a read receipt!') else if oReport.ReportType = Receipt_Deleted then ShowMessage('This is a unread receipt, this email was deleted without read!') else if oReport.ReportType = DelayedReport then ShowMessage('This is a delayed report, this email will be tried later!') else ShowMessage('This is a failure report!'); // Get original message information ShowMessage(oReport.OriginalSender); ShowMessage(oReport.OriginalRecipient); ShowMessage(oReport.OriginalMessageID); if (oReport.ReportType = FailureReport) or (oReport.ReportType = DelayedReport) then begin ShowMessage(oReport.ErrCode); ShowMessage(oReport.ErrDescription); ShowMessage(oReport.OriginalSubject); ShowMessage(oReport.ReportMTA); oHeaders := oReport.OriginalHeaders; // Parse original email headers. for i := 0 to oHeaders.Count - 1 do begin ShowMessage(oHeaders.Item(i).HeaderKey + ':' + oHeaders.Item(i).HeaderValue); end; end; end;

See Also

Mail.GetReport Method

Online Tutorials

Parse Non-Delivery Report (NDS) in VB6 - Tutorial
Parse Non-Delivery Report (NDS) in Delphi - Tutorial
Parse Non-Delivery Report (NDS) in VC++ - Tutorial