LicenseCode Property

LicenseCode code of EASendMail ActiveX Object

Data Type: String


For evaluation usage, please use "TryIt" as the license code. If the license code is incorrect, an "Invalid License Code" exception will be thrown.

If your application uses Mail object of EASendMail, your license code MUST be assigned to LicenseCode property of this object instance, otherwise the footer won't be removed.

How long will the trial version expire? Usually, trial version would work with full functions in one or two month(s), after that some of the functions would not work properly in random, and it will throw an COM exception("Trial Version Expired").


Before purchasing license from AdminSystem Software Limited, user can only use THIS Object for demo or evaluation use. Any use of ADS Object for commercial purpose is illegal and strictly prohibited.


[Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi] To get the full samples of EASendMail, please refer to Samples section.

[ASP, VBScript]        
Dim oSmtp
Set oSmtp = Server.CreateObject("EASendMailObj.Mail")
' Before using Mail, LicenseCode must be assigned.
oSmtp.LicenseCode = "TryIt" 

[VB6, VBA] Dim oSmtp As EASendMailObjLib.Mail Set oSmtp = new EASendMailObjLib.Mail ' Before using Mail, LicenseCode must be assigned. oSmtp.LicenseCode = "TryIt"
[Visual C++] IMailPtr oSmtp = NULL; oSmtp.CreateInstance(__uuidof(EASendMailObjLib::Mail)); // Before using Mail, LicenseCode must be assigned. oSmtp->LicenseCode = _T("TryIt");
[JScript] var oSmtp = new ActiveXObject("EASendMailObj.Mail"); // Before using Mail, LicenseCode must be assigned. oSmtp.LicenseCode = "TryIt";
[Delphi] var oSmtp : TMail; begin oSmtp := TMail.Create(Application); // Before using Mail, LicenseCode must be assigned. oSmtp.LicenseCode := 'TryIt';

See Also

Get LicenseCode (Online)