ReadReceipt Property

This property sets the Read Receipt request in the email.

Data Type: Bool

If the value is true, a read receipt request will be added to the email message.

Read Receipt

Some e-mail applications, such as Microsoft Office Outlook, employ a read-receipt tracking mechanism. A sender selects the receipt request option prior to sending the message. Upon opening the email, each recipient has the option of notifying the sender that the message was opened and read.

The following example codes demonstrate how to request read receipt:

[VB6, VBA]
'  The following example codes demonstrate requesting read receipt and delivery receipt
'  To get full sample projects, please download and install EASendMail on your machine.
'  To run it correctly, please change SMTP server, user, password, sender, recipient value to yours

Const ConnectNormal = 0
Const ConnectSSLAuto = 1
Const ConnectSTARTTLS = 2
Const ConnectDirectSSL = 3
Const ConnectTryTLS = 4

Const Notification_None = 0 
Const Notification_OnSuccess = 2 
Const Notification_OnFailure = 4 
Const Notification_Delay = 8 
Const Notification_Never = 16 

Private Sub btnSendMail_Click() 

    Dim oSmtp As New EASendMailObjLib.Mail 
    oSmtp.LicenseCode = "TryIt" 

    '  Your SMTP server address
    oSmtp.ServerAddr = "" 

    '  User and password for ESMTP authentication
    oSmtp.UserName = "" 
    oSmtp.Password = "testpassword" 

    '  If server supports SSL/TLS connection, SSL/TLS is used automatically.
    oSmtp.ConnectType = ConnectTryTLS

    '  Set your sender email address
    oSmtp.FromAddr = "" 

    '  Add recipient email address
    oSmtp.AddRecipientEx "", 0 

    '  Set email subject
    oSmtp.Subject = "simple email from VB 6.0 project" 

    '  Set email body
    oSmtp.BodyText = "this is a test email sent from VB 6.0 project, do not reply" 

    '  Request read receipt
    oSmtp.ReadReceipt = True 

    '  Request both failure and success report
    oSmtp.DeliveryNotification = Notification_OnFailure Or _ 

    MsgBox "start to send email ..." 

    If oSmtp.SendMail() = 0 Then 
        MsgBox "email was sent successfully!" 
        MsgBox "failed to send email with the following error:" & oSmtp.GetLastErrDescription() 
    End If 

End Sub 

[Delphi] // The following example codes demonstrate requesting read receipt and delivery receipt // To get full sample projects, please download and install EASendMail on your machine. // To run it correctly, please change SMTP server, user, password, sender, recipient value to yours Unit Unit1; Interface Uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, EASendMailObjLib_TLB; // add EASendMail Unit Type TForm1 = Class(TForm) Button1: TButton; Procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } End; Const ConnectNormal = 0; ConnectSSLAuto = 1; ConnectSTARTTLS = 2; ConnectDirectSSL = 3; ConnectTryTLS = 4; Notification_None = 0; Notification_OnSuccess = 2; Notification_OnFailure = 4; Notification_Delay = 8; Notification_Never = 16; Var Form1: TForm1; Implementation {$R *.dfm} Procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); Var oSmtp : TMail; Begin oSmtp := TMail.Create(Application); oSmtp.LicenseCode := 'TryIt'; // Your SMTP server address oSmtp.ServerAddr := ''; // User and password for ESMTP authentication oSmtp.UserName := ''; oSmtp.Password := 'testpassword'; // If server supports SSL/TLS connection, SSL/TLS is used automatically. oSmtp.ConnectType := ConnectTryTLS; // Set your sender email address oSmtp.FromAddr := ''; // Add recipient email address oSmtp.AddRecipientEx('', 0); // Set email subject oSmtp.Subject := 'simple email from Delphi project'; // Set email body oSmtp.BodyText := 'this is a test email sent from Delphi project, do not reply'; // Request read receipt oSmtp.ReadReceipt := True; // Request both failure and success report oSmtp.DeliveryNotification := Notification_OnFailure Or Notification_OnSuccess; ShowMessage('start to send email ...'); If oSmtp.SendMail() = 0 Then ShowMessage('email was sent successfully!') Else ShowMessage('failed to send email with the following error: ' + oSmtp.GetLastErrDescription()); End; End.
[VC++] // The following example codes demonstrate requesting read receipt and delivery receipt // To get full sample projects, please download and install EASendMail on your machine. // To run it correctly, please change SMTP server, user, password, sender, recipient value to yours #include "stdafx.h" #include <tchar.h> #include <Windows.h> #include "EASendMailObj.tlh" using namespace EASendMailObjLib; const int ConnectNormal = 0; const int ConnectSSLAuto = 1; const int ConnectSTARTTLS = 2; const int ConnectDirectSSL = 3; const int ConnectTryTLS = 4; const int Notification_None = 0; const int Notification_OnSuccess = 2; const int Notification_OnFailure = 4; const int Notification_Delay = 8; const int Notification_Never = 16; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { ::CoInitialize(NULL); IMailPtr oSmtp = NULL; oSmtp.CreateInstance("EASendMailObj.Mail"); oSmtp->LicenseCode = _T("TryIt"); // Your SMTP server address oSmtp->ServerAddr = _T(""); // User and password for ESMTP authentication oSmtp->UserName = _T(""); oSmtp->Password = _T("testpassword"); // If server supports SSL/TLS connection, SSL/TLS is used automatically. oSmtp->ConnectType = ConnectTryTLS; // Set your sender email address oSmtp->FromAddr = _T(""); // Add recipient email address oSmtp->AddRecipientEx(_T(""), 0); // Set email subject oSmtp->Subject = _T("simple email from Visual C++ project"); // Set email body oSmtp->BodyText = _T("this is a test email sent from Visual C++ project, do not reply"); // Request read receipt oSmtp->ReadReceipt = VARIANT_TRUE; // Request both failure and success report oSmtp->DeliveryNotification = Notification_OnFailure | Notification_OnSuccess; _tprintf(_T("Start to send email ...\r\n")); if(oSmtp->SendMail() == 0) { _tprintf(_T("email was sent successfully!\r\n")); } else { _tprintf(_T("failed to send email with the following error: %s\r\n"), (const TCHAR*)oSmtp->GetLastErrDescription()); } return 0; }

See Also

DeliveryNotification Property
Process Bounced Email (Non-Delivery Report) and Email Tracking