Ends a pending asynchronous email sending.
[Visual Basic] Public Sub EndSendMail( _ ar As SmtpClientAsyncResult _ )
[C#] public void EndSendMail( SmtpClientAsyncResult ar );
[C++] public: void EndSendMail( SmtpClientAsyncResult^ ar );
[JScript] public function EndSendMail( ar : SmtpClientAsyncResult );
[Visual Basic, C#, C++] To get the full samples of EASendMail, please refer to Samples section.
[VB - Send Email Asynchronously] Imports EASendMail Sub SendMail() Try Dim oMail As SmtpMail = New SmtpMail("TryIt") oMail.From = New MailAddress("from@adminsystem.com") oMail.To.Add(New MailAddress("to@adminsystem.com")) oMail.Subject = "test subject" oMail.TextBody = "test body" Dim oServer As SmtpServer = New SmtpServer("myserveraddress") ' SMTP user authentication oServer.User = "myusername" oServer.Password = "mypassword" ' Most mordern SMTP servers require SSL/TLS connection now. ' ConnectTryTLS means if server supports SSL/TLS, SSL/TLS will be used automatically. oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectTryTLS Dim oSmtp As SmtpClient = New SmtpClient() Dim asyncResult As SmtpClientAsyncResult = oSmtp.BeginSendMail(oServer, oMail, Nothing, Nothing) Do While Not asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5, False) ' do something Loop oSmtp.EndSendMail(asyncResult) Console.WriteLine("This message has been submitted to server successfully!") Catch exp As Exception Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exp.Message) End Try End Sub
[C# - Send Email Asynchronously] using System; using EASendMail; void SendMail() { try { SmtpMail oMail = new SmtpMail("TryIt"); oMail.From = new MailAddress("from@adminsystem.com"); oMail.To.Add(new MailAddress("to@adminsystem.com")); oMail.Subject = "test subject"; oMail.TextBody = "test body"; SmtpServer oServer = new SmtpServer("myserveraddress"); // SMTP user authentication oServer.User = "myusername"; oServer.Password = "mypassword"; // Most mordern SMTP servers require SSL/TLS connection now. // ConnectTryTLS means if server supports SSL/TLS, SSL/TLS will be used automatically. oServer.ConnectType = SmtpConnectType.ConnectTryTLS; SmtpClient oSmtp = new SmtpClient(); SmtpClientAsyncResult asyncResult = oSmtp.BeginSendMail(oServer, oMail, null, null); while (!asyncResult.AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(5, false)) { // do something } oSmtp.EndSendMail(asyncResult); Console.WriteLine("the message was sent to {0} successfully", asyncResult.SmtpClientInstance.CurrentSmtpServer.Server); } catch (Exception exp) { Console.WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exp.Message); } }
[C++/CLI - Send Email Asynchronously] using namespace System; using namespace EASendMail; void SendMail() { try { SmtpMail ^oMail = gcnew SmtpMail("TryIt"); oMail->From = gcnew MailAddress("from@adminsystem.com"); oMail->To->Add(gcnew MailAddress("to@adminsystem.com")); oMail->Subject = "test subject"; oMail->TextBody = "test body"; SmtpServer ^oServer = gcnew SmtpServer("myserveraddres"); // SMTP user authentication oServer->User = "myusername"; oServer->Password = "mypassword"; // Most mordern SMTP servers require SSL/TLS connection now. // ConnectTryTLS means if server supports SSL/TLS, SSL/TLS will be used automatically. oServer->ConnectType = SmtpConnectType::ConnectTryTLS; SmtpClient ^oSmtp = gcnew SmtpClient(); SmtpClientAsyncResult^ asyncResult = oSmtp->BeginSendMail(oServer, oMail, nullptr, nullptr); while (!asyncResult->AsyncWaitHandle->WaitOne(5, false)) { // do other thing; } oSmtp->EndSendMail(asyncResult); Console::WriteLine("the message was sent to {0} successfully", asyncResult->SmtpClientInstance->CurrentSmtpServer->Server); } catch (Exception ^exp) { Console::WriteLine("Exception: {0}", exp->Message); } }
See Also
SmtpClient.BeginSendMail Method
SmtpClient.BeginSendRawMail Method
Work with EASendMail Service (Email Queuing)
SmtpClient.SendMailToQueue Method
SmtpClient.SendMailToQueueEx Method
Online Tutorials
Send Email
in VB 6.0 - Tutorial
Email in C# - Tutorial
Email in VB.NET - Tutorial
Send Email
in Visual C++ - Tutorial
Send Email in Managed C++/CLI - Tutorial
Email in Delphi - Tutorial
Email in MS SQL stored procedure - Tutorial