How to use DKIM and DomainKeys Signature

DomainKeys is a technology proposal that can bring black and white back to this decision process by giving email providers a mechanism for verifying both the domain of each email sender and the integrity of the messages sent. To learn more detail about DomainKeys, please refer to

DKIM is a similar technology as Domainkeys. To learn more detail about DKIM, please refer to RFC4871.

Now, EmailArchitect Server provides a way to add DomainKeys signature and DKIM signature to outgoing email.

Make key-pair certificate

First of all, we need to generate a certificate which contains public key/private key. You can use this online tool to generate the certificate

Create X-DK-File

To sign the DomainKeys with EmailArchitect Server, we need to create a text file with notepad. and save it.

For example:
We create a and contains the following content.

dk_s: s1024
PFXPath: c:\my cert\adminsystem.pfx
PFXPassword: mypassword

dk_d is the email sender domain,
dk_s is the domain public key  selector.
PFXPath is the PFX file full path.
PFXPassword is the PFX file password set when you download it (Default is "TMP001").

Finally, we just need to copy this file to EmailArchitect Server installation path\domainkeys folder. EmailArchitect Server will generate the DomainKeys signature and DKIM signature for email from domain "" automatically. The file name syntax must be "[domain name].domainkey.txt".

Deploy Public Key

We also need to deploy the certificate Public Key to your domain DNS server. You can use the online tool to export the Public Key of your certificate.

Once you get the public key, you should set a TXT record in your domain DNS server. For example: your selector is s1024, your domain is, and then you should create a TXT record for and set the following content in the record.       text =
        "t=y; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQCmKsozkVJqlNAGsvn1LoJPmoZl8nizv6pIuOV5P

To learn more detail about Public Key deployment, please refer to

Test DomainKeys and DKIM

You just test your DomainKeys and DKIM by the following online tools.

Online DKIM Test Tool
Online DomainKeys Test Tool
Online SPF Test Tool

See Also

Quick Tutorial  User Permissions  Domain Administration  User Administration  Services Administration  SMTP Service  POP3 Service  IMAP4 Service  Remote Object Call Service  Webmail Service  SSL Configuration  Realtime Black List  Anti-Spam  Anti-Virus  List Administration  Traffic Control  DBConnector  Mail Archive  DomainKeys and DKIM signature  Storage and User Mailbox   Incoming/outgoing Filters  Advanced Functions in Filter  Templates  

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