sstrauss wrote:0x80004005 [ARCHIVE][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][DBNET LIB]SQL Server existiert nicht oder Zugriff verweigert.;conn=Driver={SQL Server};Server=server;Database=mailarchiv;Uid=sqladmin;Pwd=xxx; Mon, 14 Jan 2013 11:10:01
First Server and database name
Did you enter the server name or IP correct? For named instances, enter " server name \ instance name "field.
Second Required Services
Start the program on the server "SQL Server Configuration Manager" and open the left node "SQL Server Services":
"SQL Server ( name ) "must be started.
"SQL Server Browser" must be started for named instances.
Start the services please, if it is not executed. Also, change the startup mode to "Automatic".
Third Allow remote access
Please start "Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio" and mark left in the Object Explorer, select the top node or the root node of the required server. Click on it with the right mouse button and choose the command Properties .
In the dialog box "server properties - Name "left click on the page links . Make sure that the option Allow remote connections to this server is enabled. Maximum number of simultaneous connections must be set to 0 or to a sufficient number. Restart the SQL Server service check again if you have made changes.
4th Firewall
Microsoft SQL Server is configured to use port 1433. Check if it is blocked by a firewall or antivirus program. To test you can "telnet servername 1433 "use the command prompt. If you receive an error message, then the port is open. To enable you to define a detailed rule exception in the server's firewall.
Named instances of the SQL server to use other ports. Especially if the used instance is not the first, then you should firewall exceptions (inbound rules) for the services necessary to define. The port forwarding for 1433 is not required.
5th User privileges
Make sure that the user with which you want to connect to the database has sufficient access privileges.
6th Network Protocol
Please start "SQL Server Configuration Manager", open the left node "SQL Server Network Configuration" and select "Protocols for Name ". Enable the TCP / IP protocol and possibly also "named pipes". Please re-start the service, if the Protocol had not been activated.
7th Error log check
The error log can contain information when a connection was rejected. The log file can be in the Management Studio through node " server view \ Management \ SQL Server Logs "or the text file ERRORLOG directly in" C: \ Program Files \ Microsoft SQL Server \ MSSQL version MSSQLSERVER \ MSSQL \ Log \. " . open