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I have in my hotmail folder "download" with sending mail rules content to this. As I can with Delphi, download attach the email I'm sending to the folder "download". Maybe using IMAP? Code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
oMail: IMail;
oClient: TMailClient;
oServer: TMailServer;
oTools: TTools;
infos: OleVariant;
folders: OleVariant; oFolder: IImap4Folder;
i, UBound, Count, iFol: Integer;
oInfo: IMailInfo;
mailFolder: WideString;
fileName: WideString;
oTools := TTools.Create(Application);
// Create a folder named "inbox" under
// current directory to store the email files
mailFolder := GetCurrentDir() + '\inbox';
oServer := TMailServer.Create(Application);
oServer.User := 'user@outlook.com';
oServer.Password := 'password';
oServer.Server := 'imap-mail.outlook.com';
oServer.Protocol := MailServerImap4;
oServer.Port := 993;
oServer.SSLType := ConnectSSL;
oClient := TMailClient.Create(Application);
oClient.LicenseCode := 'TryIt';
self.Caption := 'Connected!';
folders := oClient.Imap4Folders;
iFol := VarArrayHighBound( folders, 1 );
For i := 0 To iFol Do Begin
oFolder := IDispatch(VarArrayGet(infos, i)) As IImap4Folder ;
infos := oClient.GetMailInfos();
UBound := VarArrayHighBound( infos, 1 );
Count := UBound+1;
For i := 0 To UBound Do Begin
self.Caption := 'Va por: ' + IntToStr(i) + ' Total: ' + IntToStr(UBound);
oInfo := IDispatch(VarArrayGet(infos, i)) As IMailInfo ;
fileName := mailFolder + '\' + oTools.GenFileName(i) + '.eml';
oMail := oClient.GetMail( oInfo );
if (oMail.From.Address = oServer.User) then begin
oMail.SaveAs( fileName, true );
On ep:Exception Do
ShowMessage( 'Error: ' + ep.Message );
Buuumm!! oClient.Connect1(oServer.DefaultInterface); Unable to connect, I'm doing wrong? Never came to oClient.Imap4Folders;
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Hi, your codes are correct.
First of all, please make sure you defined const MailServerImap4 = 1;
Secondly, please check your connection to imap-mail.outlook.com like this:
under DOS command:
telnet imap-mail.outlook.com 993
press enter.
If your connection to the server is ok, it should return a flash cursor, otherwise it returns "Could not open connection to ..."
If you don't have telnet client installed, please enable it like this:
http://social.technet.mi...client-in-windows-7.aspx By the way, could you generate a log file with LogFileName property and paste the content here ? please hide your password/user in the log file.
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By the way, i just tested hotmail IMAP4 by imap4_full sample in EAGetMail, it works fine.
See the following screenshot.
so I doubt if your anti-virus/anti-spam/router/firewall blocked your outgoing 993 port on your machine.
ivan attached the following image(s):
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Thank you both. The problem was oServer.SSLType := ConnectSSL; The comment //oServer.SSLType := ConnectSSL;, and resolved my inconvenience.
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Originally Posted by: Marcos Thank you both. The problem was oServer.SSLType := ConnectSSL; The comment //oServer.SSLType := ConnectSSL;, and resolved my inconvenience.
But in your codes, you didn't set
oServer.SSLConnection = True;
I thought you should set that .
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