Enable DKIM by using Powershell in Exchange Server or IIS SMTP Service

After you installed EA DKIM Plugin on your server, a PowerShell module is provided as well. You can use this module to create/edit/enable/disable/remove DKIM directly in PowerShell instead of using DKIM manager.

Start DKIM Management Shell

You can open “DKIM Management Shell” from Windows Start menu -> All Programs -> EA DKIM for IIS SMTP and Exchange Server. Or you can start it from C:\Program Files (x86)\EAExchDomainKeys\StartDkimShell.cmd.


Now you can use the following cmdlets to manage DKIM for your domains.


The New-DkimDomain cmdlet creates a new domain in Dkim Manager.

    New-DkimDomain [-Name] <String> [[-Selector] <String>] [[-PrivateKey] <String>]
    [[-Use1024Key] <Boolean>] [[-IsActive] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
# New-DkimDomain examples

New-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net"
# This command creates a new domain named "emailarchitect.net" with default selector "s1024".

New-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -Selector "selector1"
# This command creates a new domain named "emailarchitect.net" with selector 'selector1'.

New-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -Selector "s1024" -PrivateKey (Import-DkimPrivateKey "c:\myfolder\privatekey.pem")
# This command creates a new domain named "emailarchitect.net" with selector 's1024', and it uses the private key imported from privatekey.pem.

New-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -Use1024Key $false
# This command creates domain "emailarchitect.net" with 2048 private key.

help New-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Set-DkimDomain cmdlet sets DKIM properties of specified domain in Dkim Manager.

    Set-DkimDomain [-Name] <String> [[-Selector] <String>] [[-PrivateKey] <String>]
    [[-IsActive] <Boolean>] [[-CanonAlgorithm] <Int32>] [[-RsaHashAlgorithm] <Int32>]
    [[-IsSignPartOfMessage] <Boolean>] [[-IsSignDeliveryReport] <Boolean>]
    [[-IsSignPartOfDeliveryReport] <Boolean>] [[-IsSignSystemMessage] <Boolean>]
    [[-IsSignMapiMessage] <Boolean>] [[-IsRemoveExistedSignature] <Boolean>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Set-DkimDomain examples

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -IsActive $false
# This command changes "IsActive" property value to $false

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -CanonAlgorithm 0
# This command changes "CanonAlgorithm" property value to simple. 0: relaxed; 1: simple

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -RsaHashAlgorithm 1
# This command changes "RsaHashAlgorithm" property value to rsa-sha256. 0: rsa-sha1; 1: rsa-sha256;

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -IsSignPartOfMessage $true
# This command changes "IsSignPartOfMessage" property value to $true

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -PrivateKey (New-DkimPrivateKey)
# This command set a new private key generated by New-DkimPrivateKey.

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -PrivateKey (Import-DkimPrivateKey "c:\myfolder\privatekey.pem")
# This command set a new private key imported from privatekey.pem.

help Set-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Get-DkimDomain cmdlet queries domain(s) from Dkim Manager based on the domain name, wildcard is supported in domain name. It returns a domain(s) objects array.

    Get-DkimDomain [[-Name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Get-DkimDomain examples

Get-DkimDomain "*" | Format-Table -Property Name,Selector,IsActive -AutoSize -Wrap
# This command queries all domains and outputs domain objects array in table format.

Get-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net"
# This command queries domain "emailarchitect.net" and outputs domain object.

Get-DkimDomain "email*"
# This command queries domains that match "email*" and outputs domain objects array.

help Get-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Enable-DkimDomain cmdlet set Domain.IsActive property to $true based on the domain name, wildcard is supported in Name.

    Enable-DkimDomain [[-Name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Enable-DkimDomain examples

# This command enables all domains.

Enable-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net"
# This command enables domain "emailarchitect.net".

Enable-DkimDomain "email*"
# This command enables domains that match "email*".

help Enable-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Disable-DkimDomain cmdlet set Domain.IsActive property to $false based on the domain name, wildcard is supported in Name.

    Disable-DkimDomain [[-Name] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Disable-DkimDomain examples

# This command disables all domains.

Disable-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net"
# This command disables domain "emailarchitect.net".

Disable-DkimDomain "email*"
# This command disables domains that match "email*".

help Disable-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Remove-DkimDomain cmdlet removes domain(s) based on the domain name, wildcard is supported in domain name.

    Remove-DkimDomain [-Name] <String> [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]
# Remove-DkimDomain examples

Remove-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net"
# This command removes domain "emailarchitect.net".

Remove-DkimDomain "email*"
# This command removes domains that match "email*".

# Remove-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -Confirm:$false
# This command removes domain "emailarchitect.net" without confirmation.

help Remove-DkimDomain -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The New-DkimPrivateKey cmdlet creates a new private key.

    New-DkimPrivateKey [[-Use1024Key] <Boolean>] [[-ExportFile] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# New-DkimPrivateKey examples

New-DkimPrivateKey $true
# This command creates a key pair with 1024 length.

New-DkimPrivateKey $true -ExportFile 'C:\Program Files (x86)\EAExchDomainKeys\Certs\mydomain.pem'
# This command creates a key pair with 1024 length, and the key will be exported to mydomain.pem in pkcs8 format.

New-DkimPrivateKey $false
# This command creates a key pair with 2048 length.

Set-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -PrivateKey (New-DkimPrivateKey)
# This command set a new private key generated by New-DkimPrivateKey to the domain.

help New-DkimPrivateKey -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Import-DkimPrivateKey cmdlet imports a private key from pem file.

    Import-DkimPrivateKey [[-ImportFile] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Import-DkimPrivateKey examples

Import-DkimPrivateKey "c:\my folder\privatekey.pem"
# This command imports private key from privatekey.pem.

New-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net" -PrivateKey (Import-DkimPrivateKey "c:\my folder\privatekey.pem")
# This command imports private key from privatekey.pem and use it for the new domain.

help Import-DkimPrivateKey -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Export-DkimPrivateKey cmdlet exports a private key to pem file.

    Export-DkimPrivateKey [[-PrivateKey] <String>] [[-ExportFile] <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
# Export-DkimPrivateKey examples

Export-DkimPrivateKey (Get-DkimDomain "emailarchitect.net").PrivateKey -ExportFile "c:\my folder\privatekey.pem"
# This command exports the private key from domain "emailarchitect.net".

help Export-DkimPrivateKey -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Export-DkimPublicKey cmdlet exports public key of the domain in DNS record format.

    Export-DkimPublicKey [-Name] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
# Export-DkimPublicKey examples

Export-DkimPublicKey "emailarchitect.net"
# This command exports the public key from domain "emailarchitect.net".

help Export-DkimPublicKey -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Get-DkimLogLevel cmdlet gets current DKIM log level.

    Get-DkimLogLevel [<CommonParameters>]
# Get-DkimLogLevel examples

# This command outputs current dkim log level (OnlyError|FullDebug|CrashDebug).

help Get-DkimLogLevel -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Set-DkimLogLevel cmdlet sets current DKIM log level.

    Set-DkimLogLevel [-LogLevel] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
# Set-DkimLogLevel examples

Set-DkimLogLevel FullDebug
# This command sets current log level to full debug.

help Set-DkimLogLevel -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Get-DkimLicense cmdlet gets current DKIM license information.

    Get-DkimLicense [<CommonParameters>]
# Get-DkimLicense examples

# This command outputs current dkim license information.

help Get-DkimLicense -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.


The Set-DkimLicense cmdlet sets the license code.

    Set-DkimLicense [-LicenseCode] <String> [<CommonParameters>]
# Set-DkimLicense examples

Set-DkimLicense "your license code"
# This command sets license code.

help Set-DkimLicense -detailed
# This command gets detailed parameters information.

Appendix: DKIM installation

C#, VB.NET can be used to manage DKIM programmingly. You can find the full sample project in DKIM installation path\DkimConfigSample.

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