Retrieve Email from Exchange Server with WebDAV protocol in C++/CLI/CLR

In previous section, I introduced how to retrieve email from Exchange Server with Web Service (EWS) protocol in C++/CLI/CLR. In this section, I will introduce the WebDAV protocol (Exchange 2000/2003).


Exchange WebDAV protocol is similar with IMAP4 protocol. First of all, it supports retrieving email from different mail folder and folder management. Secondly, Exchange WebDAV supports mail read flag management. Therefore, we can do more things with Exchange server. To better understand the WebDAV protocol, please see the following examples.

Exchange Server supports POP3/IMAP4 protocol as well, but in Exchange 2007 or later version, POP3/IMAP4 service is disabled by default. If you don’t want to use POP3/IMAP4 to download email from Exchange Server, you can use Exchange Web Service (Exchange 2007/2010 or later version) or WebDAV (Exchange 2000/2003) protocol.

For Exchange Server 2007 or later version, WebDAV service is also disabled by default, so please use Exchange Web Service (EWS) instead of WebDAV protocol.


Remarks: All of examples in this section are based on first section: A simple C++/CLI/CLR project. To compile and run the following example codes successfully, please click here to learn how to create the test project and add reference to your project.

[C++/CLI/CLR Example - Retrieve email from Exchange Inbox]

The following example codes demonstrate how to use EAGetMail to download email from Exchange server default mailbox using WebDAV protocol. In order to run it correctly, please change email server, user, password, folder, file name values.


To get the full sample projects, please refer to Samples section.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace EAGetMail; //add EAGetMail namespace

// Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time
static String ^ _generateFileName(int sequence)
    DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime::Now;
    return String::Format("{0}-{1:000}-{2:000}.eml",
        currentDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", gcnew CultureInfo("en-US")),

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
        // Create a folder named "inbox" under current directory
        // to save the email retrieved.
        String ^localInbox = String::Format("{0}\\inbox", Directory::GetCurrentDirectory());

        // If the folder is not existed, create it.
        if (!Directory::Exists(localInbox))

        // Please use domain\user as the user name
        MailServer ^oServer = gcnew MailServer("",

        // If your Exchange WebDAV server requires SSL connection,
        // Please add the following codes:
        // oServer->SSLConnection = true;

        Console::WriteLine("Connecting server ...");

        MailClient ^oClient = gcnew MailClient("TryIt");

        array<MailInfo^> ^infos = oClient->GetMailInfos();
        Console::WriteLine("Total {0} email(s)\r\n", infos->Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < infos->Length; i++)
            MailInfo ^info = infos[i];
            Console::WriteLine("Index: {0}; Size: {1}; UIDL: {2}",
                info->Index, info->Size, info->UIDL);

            // Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time
            String^ fileName = _generateFileName(i + 1);
            String^ fullPath = String::Format("{0}\\{1}", localInbox, fileName);

            // Receive email from Exchange server
            Mail ^oMail = oClient->GetMail(info);
            Console::WriteLine("From: {0}", oMail->From->ToString());
            Console::WriteLine("Subject: {0}\r\n", oMail->Subject);

            // Save email to local disk
            oMail->SaveAs(fullPath, true);

            // Mark email as deleted from Exchange server.

        // Quit and expunge emails marked as deleted from Exchange server.
    catch (Exception ^ep)

    return 0;

Because Exchange WebDAV protocol supports folder access, so we can retrieve email from other mailbox rather than default “INBOX”. POP3 protocol doesn’t support this feature.

[C++/CLI/CLR Example - Retrieve email from “Deleted Items”]

The following example codes demonstrate how to retrieve emails from “Deleted Items” in an Exchange account.


To get the full sample projects, please refer to Samples section.

#include "stdafx.h"

using namespace System;
using namespace System::Globalization;
using namespace System::IO;
using namespace EAGetMail; //add EAGetMail namespace

// if you want to search sub folder, use parentfolder\\subfolder as folderPath
// for example: inbox\\mysubfolder
Imap4Folder^ FindFolder(String^ folderPath, array<Imap4Folder^> ^folders)
    for (int i = 0; i < folders->Length; i++)
        Imap4Folder^ folder = folders[i];

        // Folder was found.
        if (String::Compare(folder->LocalPath, folderPath, true) == 0)
            return folder;

        folder = FindFolder(folderPath, folder->SubFolders);
        if (folder != nullptr)
            return folder;

    // No folder found
    return nullptr;

// Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time
static String ^ _generateFileName(int sequence)
    DateTime currentDateTime = DateTime::Now;
    return String::Format("{0}-{1:000}-{2:000}.eml",
        currentDateTime.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss", gcnew CultureInfo("en-US")),

int main(array<System::String ^> ^args)
        // Create a folder named "inbox" under current directory
        // to save the email retrieved.
        String ^localInbox = String::Format("{0}\\inbox", Directory::GetCurrentDirectory());

        // If the folder is not existed, create it.
        if (!Directory::Exists(localInbox))

        // Please use domain\user as the user name
        MailServer ^oServer = gcnew MailServer("",

        // If your Exchange WebDAV server requires SSL connection,
        // Please add the following codes:
        // oServer->SSLConnection = true;

        Console::WriteLine("Connecting server ...");

        MailClient ^oClient = gcnew MailClient("TryIt");

        // find folder
        Imap4Folder ^ folder = FindFolder("Deleted Items", oClient->GetFolders());
        if (folder == nullptr)
            throw gcnew Exception("Folder not found!");

        // select dest folder

        array<MailInfo^> ^infos = oClient->GetMailInfos();
        Console::WriteLine("Total {0} email(s)\r\n", infos->Length);

        for (int i = 0; i < infos->Length; i++)
            MailInfo ^info = infos[i];
            Console::WriteLine("Index: {0}; Size: {1}; UIDL: {2}",
                info->Index, info->Size, info->UIDL);

            // Generate an unqiue email file name based on date time
            String^ fileName = _generateFileName(i + 1);
            String^ fullPath = String::Format("{0}\\{1}", localInbox, fileName);

            // Receive email from Exchange server
            Mail ^oMail = oClient->GetMail(info);
            Console::WriteLine("From: {0}", oMail->From->ToString());
            Console::WriteLine("Subject: {0}\r\n", oMail->Subject);

            // Save email to local disk
            oMail->SaveAs(fullPath, true);

            // Mark email as deleted from Exchange server.

        // Quit and expunge emails marked as deleted from Exchange server.
    catch (Exception ^ep)

    return 0;

Next Section

At next section I will introduce how to retrieve email over SSL connection.



If you have any comments or questions about above example codes, please click here to add your comments.