In previous section, I introduced how to send email over SSL/TLS connection. In this section, I will introduce how to send email using Gmail account in Delphi.
Gmail SMTP server address is
. It requires implicit SSL or explicit
SSL (TLS) connection, and you should use your Gmail email address as the user name
for ESMTP authentication.
Server | Port | SSL/TLS | | 25, 587 | TLS | | 465 | SSL |
To help keep your account secure, starting May 30, 2022, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.
Therefore, you should sign in using App Passwords.
An App Password
is a 16-digit passcode that gives a less secure app or device permission
to access your Google Account. App Passwords
can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on.
You need to use App Password
instead of the user password for user authentication.
Another solution is Gmail OAUH, please see Gmail SMTP OAUTH section.
Last update: Google has disabled App password, you have to switch to Gmail SMTP OAUTH. If you don’t want to change your code, you can have a try with EA Oauth Service.
Remarks: All of samples in this section are based on first section: Send email in a simple Delphi project. To compile and run the following example codes successfully, please click here to learn how to create the test project and add reference of EASendMail to your project.
The following example codes demonstrate how to send email using Gmail account over SSL in Delphi.
To get the full sample projects, please refer to Samples section.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, EASendMailObjLib_TLB; // add EASendMail unit
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
ConnectNormal = 0;
ConnectSSLAuto = 1;
ConnectSTARTTLS = 2;
ConnectDirectSSL = 3;
ConnectTryTLS = 4;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
oSmtp : TMail;
oSmtp := TMail.Create(Application);
oSmtp.LicenseCode := 'TryIt';
// Your Gmail email address
oSmtp.FromAddr := '';
// Add recipient email address
oSmtp.AddRecipientEx('', 0);
// Set email subject
oSmtp.Subject := 'simple email from gmail account';
// Set email body
oSmtp.BodyText := 'this is a test email sent from Delphi using Gmail';
// Gmail SMTP server address
oSmtp.ServerAddr := '';
// set direct SSL 465 port,
oSmtp.ServerPort := 465;
// detect SSL/TLS automatically
oSmtp.ConnectType := ConnectSSLAuto;
// Gmail user authentication should use your
// Gmail email address as the user name.
// For example: your email is "", then the user should be ""
oSmtp.UserName := '';
// Create app password in Google account
oSmtp.Password := 'your app password';
ShowMessage('start to send email ...');
if oSmtp.SendMail() = 0 then
ShowMessage('email was sent successfully!')
ShowMessage('failed to send email with the following error: '
+ oSmtp.GetLastErrDescription());
The following example codes demonstrate how to send email using Gmail account over TLS in Delphi.
To get the full sample projects, please refer to Samples section.
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, EASendMailObjLib_TLB; // add EASendMail unit
TForm1 = class(TForm)
Button1: TButton;
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
ConnectNormal = 0;
ConnectSSLAuto = 1;
ConnectSTARTTLS = 2;
ConnectDirectSSL = 3;
ConnectTryTLS = 4;
Form1: TForm1;
{$R *.dfm}
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
oSmtp : TMail;
oSmtp := TMail.Create(Application);
oSmtp.LicenseCode := 'TryIt';
// Your Gmail email address
oSmtp.FromAddr := '';
// Add recipient email address
oSmtp.AddRecipientEx('', 0);
// Set email subject
oSmtp.Subject := 'simple email from gmail account';
// Set email body
oSmtp.BodyText := 'this is a test email sent from Delphi using Gmail';
// Gmail SMTP server address
oSmtp.ServerAddr := '';
// set 587 port, if you want to use 25 port, please change 587 to 25
oSmtp.ServerPort := 587;
// detect SSL/TLS automatically
oSmtp.ConnectType := ConnectSSLAuto;
// Gmail user authentication should use your
// Gmail email address as the user name.
// For example: your email is "", then the user should be ""
oSmtp.UserName := '';
// Create app password in Google account
oSmtp.Password := 'your app password';
ShowMessage('start to send email ...');
if oSmtp.SendMail() = 0 then
ShowMessage('email was sent successfully!')
ShowMessage('failed to send email with the following error: '
+ oSmtp.GetLastErrDescription());
The Gmail IMAP and SMTP servers have been extended to support authorization via the industry-standard OAuth 2.0 protocol. Using OAUTH protocol, user can do authentication by Gmail Web OAuth instead of inputting user and password directly in application.
Google will disable traditional user authentication in the future, switching to Google OAuth is strongly recommended now.
TLS is the successor of SSL, more and more SMTP servers require TLS 1.2 encryption now.
If your operating system is Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 2003/2008/2008 R2/2012/2012 R2
and you got connection error with SSL/TLS connection,
you need to enable TLS 1.2 protocol in your operating system like this:
Enable TLS 1.2 on Windows XP/Vista/7/10/Windows 2008/2008 R2/2012
Next Section
At next section I will introduce how to send email with Yahoo account in Delphi.
If you have any comments or questions about above example codes, please click here to add your comments.