In previous section, I introduced how to convert email to HTML page. In this section, I will introduce how to parse Non-delivery report (NDR) in VB 6.0.
Some e-mail applications, such as Microsoft Office Outlook, employ a read-receipt tracking mechanism. A sender selects the receipt request option prior to sending the message. Upon opening the email, each recipient has the option of notifying the sender that the message was opened and read.
However, there is no guarantee that you will get a read-receipt. Some possible reason are that very few e-mail applications or services support read receipts, or simply because users disable the functionality. Those do support read-receipt aren’t necessarily compatible with or capable of recognizing requests from a different e-mail service or application
It is also called a DSN (delivery service notification), which is a request to the recipient’s email server to send you a notification about the delivery of an email you’ve just sent. The notification takes the form of an email, and will tell you if your delivery succeeded (Delivery Receipt), failed, got delayed (Failure Report).
For many email campaign applications, the very important task is detecting if the email is received by recipient or not. Parsing the delivery report is the common way to get the email status. EAGetMail .NET class provides a built-in function (GetReport) to parse the report. The following sample demonstrates how to parse the delivery-report.
If ReporType is DeliveryReceipt
or ReadReceipt
, the report probably
has only OriginalSender, OriginalRecipient and OriginalMessageID information in
the report, it depends on the mail server that generated the report.
Remarks: All of examples in this section are based on first section: A simple VB 6.0 project. To compile and run the following example codes successfully, please click here to learn how to create the test project and add reference to your project.
The following example codes demonstrate how to parse delivery report.
To get the full sample projects, please refer to Samples section.
Option Explicit
Private Sub ParseReport(ByVal emlFile As String)
Const FailureReport = 0
Const DeliveryReceipt = 1
Const ReadReceipt = 2
Const Receipt_Deleted = 3
Const DelayedReport = 4
Dim oMail As New EAGetMailObjLib.Mail
oMail.LicenseCode = "TryIt"
oMail.LoadFile emlFile, False
If Not oMail.IsReport Then
MsgBox "this is not a report"
Exit Sub
End If
Dim oReport As EAGetMailObjLib.MailReport
Set oReport = oMail.GetReport()
' Get report type
Select Case oReport.ReportType
Case DeliveryReceipt
MsgBox "This is a deliver receipt"
Case ReadReceipt
MsgBox "This is a read receipt"
Case Receipt_Deleted
MsgBox "This is a unread receipt, this email was deleted without read!"
Case DelayedReport
MsgBox "This is a delayed report, this email will be tried later by server automatically!"
Case Else
MsgBox "This is a failure report"
End Select
' Get original message information
MsgBox oReport.OriginalSender
MsgBox oReport.OriginalRecipient
MsgBox oReport.OriginalMessageID
If oReport.ReportType = FailureReport Or oReport.ReportType = DelayedReport Then
MsgBox oReport.ErrCode
MsgBox oReport.ErrDescription
MsgBox oReport.OriginalSubject
MsgBox oReport.ReportMTA
Dim oHeaders As EAGetMailObjLib.HeaderCollection
Set oHeaders = oReport.OriginalHeaders
Dim i, nCount As Integer
nCount = oHeaders.Count
For i = 0 To nCount - 1
Dim oHeader As EAGetMailObjLib.HeaderItem
Set oHeader = oHeaders.Item(i)
MsgBox oHeader.HeaderKey & ": " & oHeader.HeaderValue
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim curpath As String
Dim mailbox As String
Dim oTools As New EAGetMailObjLib.Tools
' Create a folder named "inbox" under current directory
' to save the email retrieved.
curpath = App.Path
mailbox = curpath & "\inbox"
oTools.CreateFolder mailbox
Dim files
Dim i As Long
' Get all *.eml files in specified folder and parse it one by one.
files = oTools.GetFiles(mailbox & "\*.eml")
For i = LBound(files) To UBound(files)
ParseReport files(i)
Exit Sub
MsgBox Err.Description
End Sub
To retrieve and parse Failure Report (NDR), you should monitor your sender mailbox. Here I will introduce how to use EAGetMail Service to monitor a mailbox and retrieve non-delivery report and insert it to SQL server on a regular basis.
To use EAGetMail Service, you need to download EAGetMail Service and install it on your machine at first.
Then create a table in your SQL database like this:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Failure_Report](
[reportid] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
[address] [nvarchar](255) NOT NULL,
[error_code] [nchar](10) NOT NULL,
[error_desc] [nchar](255) NOT NULL,
[error_datetime] [datetime] NOT NULL
Create a vbscript named “parse_reports.vbs” like this:
Const FailureReport = 0 'Specifies that the email is a failure delivery report.
Const DeliveryReceipt = 1 'Specifies that the email is a delivery success report(delivery receipt).
Const ReadReceipt = 2 'Specifies that the email is a read receipt.
Const Receipt_Deleted = 3 'Specifies that the email is an unread receipt.
Dim args, info
Set args = WScript.Arguments
Dim oConn
If args.Length < 1 Then
info = "Usage: Parse_Reports.vbs [email folder path]" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
info = info & "eg: Parse_Reports.vbs ""c:\my folder""" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
WScript.Echo info
End If
Dim oTools, files
Set oTools = CreateObject("EAGetMailObj.Tools")
' get all .eml files from specified folder
files = oTools.GetFiles( args(0) & "\*.eml" )
Dim count, i
count = UBound(files) - LBound(files) + 1
WScript.Echo( "Total " & count & " email(s)." )
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Dim connStr
' For more connection string
' MS SQL Server 2000
'"Driver={SQL Server};Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2005
'"Driver={SQL Server Native Client};Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2005 Native Provider
'"Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2008
'"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 10.0};Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2008 Native Provider
'"Provider=SQLNCLI10;Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2012
'"Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' MS SQL Server 2012 Native Provider
'"Provider=SQLNCLI11;Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
' change it to your sql server address, database, user and password
' The server/instance name syntax used in the server option is the same for all SQL Server connection strings.
' e.g.: Server=serveraddress\instancename;
' open database connection
connStr = "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost; Database=myDB;Uid=myUser;Pwd=myPassword;"
WScript.Echo( "Connecting database ..." )
' Connect database
oConn.Open connStr
Dim nReport
nReport = 0
For i = 0 To count - 1
WScript.Echo( "Process " & i + 1 & ":" & files(i) & " ..." )
If ParseEmail( files(i)) Then
' Delete the local report file
oTools.RemoveFile files(i)
End If
WScript.Echo( "" )
WScript.Echo("Close Data Connection")
WScript.Echo( "Total " & nReport & " failure report(s)")
WScript.Echo( "End" )
Function ParseEmail( fileName )
Dim oMail
Set oMail = CreateObject("EAGetMailObj.Mail")
oMail.LicenseCode = "TryIt"
oMail.LoadFile fileName, True
If Not oMail.IsReport Then
WScript.Echo( "Not a report or receipt!" )
ParseEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim oReport
Set oReport = oMail.GetReport()
'We only process failure report
If oReport.ReportType <> FailureReport Then
WScript.Echo( "Not a failure report!" )
ParseEmail = False
Exit Function
End If
Dim address, errorCode, errorDesc
address = oReport.OriginalRecipient
errorCode = oReport.ErrCode
errorDesc = oReport.ErrDescription
WScript.Echo( "OriginalRecipient: " & address )
WScript.Echo( "ErrorCode: " & errorCode )
WScript.Echo( "ErrorDesc: " & errorDesc )
If Len(errorDesc) > 250 Then
errorDesc = Mid( errorDesc, 1, 250 )
End If
' Insert result to database
Dim sql
sql = "INSERT INTO [dbo].[Failure_Report]" & _
" ([address] " & _
" ,[error_code] " & _
" ,[error_desc] " & _
" ,[error_datetime]) " & _
" VALUES " & _
" (?, ?, ? , GETDATE())"
Dim oCommand
Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
oCommand.CommandText = sql
oCommand.CommandType = 1 'adCmdText
oCommand.Prepared = true
oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConn
Dim oParameter
Set oParameter = oCommand.CreateParameter( "address", 8, 1, , address )
oCommand.Parameters.Append oParameter
Set oParameter = oCommand.CreateParameter( "error_code", 8, 1, , errorCode )
oCommand.Parameters.Append oParameter
Set oParameter = oCommand.CreateParameter( "error_desc", 8, 1, , errorDesc )
oCommand.Parameters.Append oParameter
nReport = nReport + 1
ParseEmail = True
End Function
Finally, open EAGetMail Service Manager -> Mail Pull Configuration -> New:
For example: If your vbscript full path is d:\parse_reports.vbs
and your folder is d:\inbox
, then input:
"d:\parse_reports.vbs" "d:\inbox"
With above setting, EAGetMail Service checks mailbox every 15 minutes and once there is non-delivery report, it will invoke parse_reports.exe to process non-delivery report and insert it to database like this:
If you have “Leave a copy of message on mail server” unchecked, EAGetMail Service will delete all emails in your mailbox after the emails were retrieved to local folder. If your mailbox is only used to retrieve non-delivery report, then I recommend you have “Leave a copy of message on mail server” unchecked to get better performance.
You can run your application directly under DOS prompt without EAGetMail Service. If there is any error, you can debug and fix it.
cscript "d:\parse_reports.vbs" "d:\inbox"
EAGetMail Service is a common solution to process email on a regular basis, you can use above solution to download and process normal emails as well. You just need to change/extend the codes in parse_reports.exe
Common SQL Driver Download
If SQL Server is installed on a remote server, and you don’t have SQL driver installed on local machine, then you need to download and install corresponding driver on local machine.
Next Section
At next section I will introduce how to manage folders with IMAP4/Exchange Web Service (EWS)/WebDAV protocol.
If you have any comments or questions about above example codes, please click here to add your comments.